
Privacy Policy

BEAUTYBAAZ Privacy Policy

This Website is operated by “BEAUTYBAAZ” .Throughout this site the terms ( “We”, “Us”, “Ours”) Refer to only “BEAUTYBAAZ”. We have created this privacy policy to let you know about how we deal with your Information’s, How we will use your Information and choices. Please go through all this privacy policy stated here. Because your use of this website will assure us that you are aware of our privacy policy and tools and accepted all
our privacy policies.

We have the right to update the website and terms of service from time to time without any prior notice. It’s your responsibility to connect up to date with updated Terms and policies regularly. Your Continuous use of our website will indicate us that you have read all our terms maintaining the changes. We always work hard to ensure that the website is Up to Date and available, but we can’t guarantee that website will never have downtime regarding any certain issues. We Reserve the time to close the Website for certain time for the general maintenance issue. Personal information is collected for the purpose of identifying, locating or contacting any of our valued customers. It is necessary for giving our customers the genuine experience of online shopping. The types of Personal Information that we collect are:It’s a condition for your use of website that the information’s you will provide us that should be Correct, Current and complete. The details you give us are essential for the processing and delivery of your orders, and therefore failure to provide these details will result in the cancellation of your order. The most current version of this Privacy Policy will be available on the Website and will supersede all previous versions of this Privacy Policy

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